From an Expert's Eye
Sean Gallup, Getty Images
There are many different opinions when it comes to the issue of Syrian migrants and their movement into Germany. Since the topic is quite controversial, there exist those who agree with Germany's decision and those who believe the cons outweigh the pros. Additionally, these differing opinions come with inside and outside the nation itself. Many human rights and public health experts have thoughts that contrast with others who see Germany's actions as benevolent and beneficial to the refugee crisis.
Human rights experts such as Len Rubentstein have described the subject as a humanitarian disaster. They have attributed the failure to inadequate amounts of supplies and staff at existing health care facilities. They also call for humane treatment of refugees and an increase in resettlement commitments. The current situation in Germany is lacking in these areas. The mass influx of Syrian refugees into the country, even more than the nation first expected, is causing numerous problems. There aren't nearly enough housing facilities or supplies to possibly care for all the Syrians entering, and currently presiding in, the nation. These experts have also called for more reception and transit centers. Although Germany has attempted to create more of these facilities, there still exists a great issue in the processing of migrants.
On the contrary, other opinions, such as that of migrant expert Yves Pascouau, hold that Germany is serving as the leader of the EU when it comes to the refugee crisis and the nation's actions should be appreciated for their role in appeasing the conflict. Pascouau states that Germany's position is possible due to its population having a public opinion with majority favoring aid to the refugee crisis. Another reason Germany is fit to take this challenge is awarded to its fairly stable economy. Pascouau is optimistic about the future of the issue, mainly because of the changing political landscapes inside the European Union.
Yet, there is a problem with this point of view. Every benefit of Germany's decision, and reason why the country is capable of taking on such a great challenge, can easily be strained with time. Already, the nation is seeing the complications of having such a generous open policy. The population that was once so welcoming to Syrian migrants now holds a massive resentment towards refugees. Also, the German economy that is said to be so strong is consistently tested by the influx of migrants. This goes back to the inadequacy in health and housing facilities. Although Germany appears to have a stable amount of capital, there is still an enormous lack of supplies, which is leading to a humanitarian crisis for the refugees inside the nation.
Although there exist many differing opinions on the topic of Syrian migrants entering Germany, all come with their own complexities. Experts in different areas will of course have differing thoughts, yet we can still reach an overall consensus. The two contrasting opinions in this post still agreed that the refugee crisis was one which deserves more attention. This is important going into the future.