The Current State of Chinese Pollution

Everyday, the pollution in China worsens and worsens. The smog in the big cities of
China has spread the message-- pollution is real. In the past twenty years, people believed that
the smog was just fog. The realization does not come quickly, but fiercely and harmfully. The
news media has reported the true harm of pollution, and China is ready to combat climate
change. The current state of Chinese pollution has come to a new era; China is switching to a
new model to eliminate pollution as well as implementing sustainable energy sources.
First of all, China realized the air pollution in china is so hazardous that it is not habitual
for human beings. The first and only way is to stop the polluting sources that directly affecting
the air in China. Beijing, the capital in China, got worldwide attention in the aspect of pollution.
In December of 2015, the level of PM 2.5 has rocketed to over 500 micrograms a cubic meter,
which is more than 20 times the level considered safe by the World Health Organization. The
government did not neglect the existence and the harm of smog anymore; instead, it has taken a
resilient stance by issuing a level-four red alert, which is the most serious alert in the warning
system. The policies included the factories were forced to close in Beijing and the cars were
forced off the road for safety and cutting down carbon emission. As much as the government
tried to stop the pollution by these regulations, these regulations are temporary and do not change
the fundamental sources of pollution.
The best way to combat pollution in China is to switch the energy sources to a more
sustainable and renewable green energy. China has spent billions of investment in clean energy
projects. China alone has outpaced the investment in the United States, the United Kingdom, and
France combined, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). In September 30,
2015, China has invested with $26.7 billion in clean energy. Currently, electricity generation of
China still is dominated by fossil fuel with a 66%. However, hydro is already 21% and wind at
8%. In the near future, the hydro and wind will generate more than fossil fuel with the greater
amount of investment. Additionally, of the 67 nuclear reactors under construction currently, 23
are in China.
As harsh as the current state of pollution in China might seen, China is trying its best to
combat. The remedy has varied from the most extreme one like shutting down all the factories, to
investing more on sustainable and renewable energy companies. Since the pollution has alerted
many people in China, the awareness and the concern will prevent further pollution and the
renewable energies will be adapted swiftly.
Works Cited
"China Pollution: Factories Closed by Beijing Smog - BBC News." BBC News. BBC, 19 Dec. 2015.
Web. 09 Mar. 2016.
McDonnell, Tim. "China Is Totally Crushing the U.S. on Renewable Energy." Grist. Grist, 25 Nov.
2015. Web. 09 Mar. 2016.
"Bloomberg News." By the Numbers: China's Clean Energy Investments Show Big Strides. Bloomberg
News, 2 Nov. 2015. Web. 9 Mar. 2016.