Villains Have Insecurities Too

In my previous blogs, I’ve talked about Indian investments in Afghanistan and Pakistan’s reaction to it. I feel like Pakistan has been portrayed as the antagonist in this relationship. In this blog, I will look at the Afghanistan- Pakistan relationship through Pakistan’s viewpoint. Pakistan is a small country of a population of 191 million compared to India’s vast population of 1.3 billion, its neighbor on the right. On the left, Pakistan has to deal with Afghanistan, an unstable country that never has its shit together. Pakistan is a strong ally of the U.S. and is part of NATO and actively carries out operations to fight Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. But there is an anti-American sentiment amongst the native population. Due to the air raids by jets and drones, hundreds of people have been killed, had to become refugees or were internally displaced. This puts Pakistan in an awkward position. It wants to help its allies fight these radical organizations in Afghanistan and Pakistan but has to face the scorn of the general population. This leads to a stronger grip of the Taliban in Pakistan, which imposes the Sharia law, making the population in turn, angry again. Thus it is weary of Indian investment in Afghanistan. It fears that India is trying to gain a strong foothold in Afghanistan so that it can easily launch its spy missions into Pakistan to destabilize the country and undermine the current governments authority. Also, it fears that if that if Afghanistan is stable again, it will partner with India and pressurize Pakistan into anything they want since they will hold regional dominance.
I believe that Pakistan needs to be assured that not everyone in the world is plotting against them. They need to stop acting like little babies and put their big boy pants on and fight the radical Islamist organizations. Just because the government doesn’t want to offend their voting population, they’re not taking a strong measure for the fight against terrorism. Instead, they have been accused of even supporting these organizations to help create instability in Afghanistan. They are playing NATO into believing that they want to help but instead, do exactly the opposite. Hence, I believe that even through Pakistan is insecure; we cannot let it be a country, which manipulates international affairs for it’s own advantage.
I started off this blog believing that I should give Pakistan a chance by looking through their viewpoint. It has just made my previous arguments stronger that Pakistan is creating a mess and doesn’t firmly believe in Afghan stability. They need to be condemned by the international community for its actions and should be barred from making any decisions which will affect the growth of Afghanistan.